Even Grumps Deserve Some Holiday Cheer!


 Cartoon image of Scrooge  with text overlay that asks, "Are you a Scrooge at Christmas?" Additional text bubbles say, "12 quotes to find out" and "plus gifts for grumpy old people".


For some the anticipation of the holiday season maybe be more like, “Ugh! Christmas already?”

Do you find yourself humming SpongeBob’s cheery holiday tune, Don’t Be A Jerk, It’s Christmas, as a quiet reminder to yourself?

Well you just might be a  Scrooge if any of the following 12 not-so Christmasy Christmas quotes makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside:

  1. Merry Christmas ya filthy animal. - Kevin

  2. Take a look around you, Ellen! We're at the threshold of hell! - Clark

  3. What’s Santa have that I don’t? - The Grinch

  4. I know nobody likes me. Why do we have to have a holiday season to emphasize it? - Charlie Brown

  5. Adults can take a simple holiday for Children and screw it up. - Erma Bombeck

  6. Christmas is coming, but I'm not happy. I don't feel the way I'm supposed to feel. - Charlie Brown

  7. Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people only once a year. - Victor Borge

  8. Blast this Christmas music. It’s joyful and triumphant." - The Grinch

  9. Can I refill your eggnog for you? Get you something to eat? Drive you out to the middle of nowhere and leave you for dead? - Clark

  10. Every idiot who goes about with Merry Christmas upon his lips should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart.” - Scrooge

  11. The three words that best describe you are as follows, and I quote: Stink,  stank, stunk! - Grinch Lyric

  12. Bah Humbug! - You Know Who

If any of these delightfully sour quotes speak to your heart or the heart of someone you know, that’s ok, because even the grumpiest of grumps still deserve at least one day of good cheer each and every year.

Shop O&G’s Snark Collection for Christmas gifts to lighten up the hardened hearts, (and hopefully tickle funny bones), of the Grinch, Scrooge, or plain old grumpy person in your life.








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Image of the Grinch in a santa outfit and smirking. Text overlay asks, "Are you a Grinch at Christmas? 12 quotes to find out." Additional text bubbles read, "What does Santa have that I don't have?",  "Christmas gifts for grumpy people" and website, shopoldandgood.com

Cartoon image of the Scrooge with text overlay that says, "12 not-so Christmasy Christmas quotes." Additional text bubbles read, "Bah!",  "Also Gift ideas for old grumpy people, too!" website, shopoldandgood.com


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