5 Classic Ways To Style A Tee For Women Over 50

5 Classic Ways To Style A Tee For Women Over 50

Plain and simple, you're never too old to wear a tee. Just because you turn 50 doesn’t mean you need to throw your beloved t-shirt collection out. The ubiquity of a t-shirt will be forever, regardless of age! And as time and fashion have shown, the "tee" can strut it’s stuff day or night. Aging well, aging gracefully, (or disgracefully), is mostly about mindset and part of that mindset is knowing you're worth and knowing what works for you. I’m a big proponent of “YOU DO YOU”. So, whether you sport a classic tuck or cut it up for a...

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11 Quotes To Celebrate 50th Birthday

11 Quotes To Celebrate 50th Birthday

In fact the last two years, if asked, I’ve just told people I’m almost 50, so just to come out and say 50 makes me want to dance. The down side is I now know what it’s like to be arrhythmic, as my "matured" hips now seem to have a mind of their own when trying to keep a beat, but who the hell cares – I’m 50!

In celebration of this major milestone, I’ve rounded up 11 quotes that sum up how I feel right about now.

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Love Is Heart Healthy

Love Is Heart Healthy

Sharing a deep connection with another human being has proven to be good for the heart. For instance, hugging your partner can be an instant stressbuster.

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